HSE Policy
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Quality, Occupational Health, safety and Environmental Management System Policy (QHSE Policy)
We dedicate ourselves to implement Quality, Occupational Health, safety and Environmental Management Systems as per BS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems-Requirements, BS EN ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems–Requirements & EN ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems -Requirements and continually improve its effectiveness.
RRT Contracting shall ensure governance through the pursuit of operational excellence,
- To consistently provide products and services in a manner which will satisfy Client requirements in all respects.
- To implement appropriate actions to address any risks and opportunities associated with internal / external issues, and to meet the needs and expectations of interested parties.
- By enhancing competency levels of personnel
- To strive to continually improve our services provided to Clients, through the use of this QHSE Policy, quality objectives, performance evaluation including audit results, corrective actions and at Management Review.
- Commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal and other statutory requirements
- By minimizing the creation of wastes and prevention of pollution in order to reduce the environmental impacts associated with our work
- Prevention of injury and ill health by ensuring safe working methods and monitoring OH&S performance
- Commitment to consultation and participation of workers,